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paypal epic fail
I am so uspet and weary today after nearly two months of doing everything I can to provide evidence to paypal about the ebay scam I described in detail in my last post. I found [...]
A Christmas tale
It all began on a dark November evening, when out of nowhere a storm brought the town to a standstill. A bolt of lightening hit Whithorn in the middle of the night and killed 8 [...]
telling stories
This video was made as an alternative to powerpoint slides to support a conversation between myself and Frances Bell at the JISC Innovating e-Learning Conference. We held a session in Elluminate on Friday 18th November [...]
nearly heard…
Whilst listening to the change11 mooc broadcast on dltv today I was also making some art dammit for ds106. I was listening to Stephen Downes talking about the fact that when conversations happen between people [...]
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