5 02, 2011

having a voice…

By |February 5th, 2011|home education|8 Comments

I recently contributed a post for purpos/ed (which is about opening a debateĀ  around education) with my partner and son which I hope offered a voice for people outside the formal education system. I think we questioned that system and presented one view from the home education/home learning perspective and also from the perspetive of [...]

11 05, 2006


By |May 11th, 2006|autism|4 Comments

>some of you who read this blog are so amazing I'm stunned. I never even expected people to read it but to actually respond and offer huge support and really really sound advice is way more than I expected. yes we had a bad day on monday but generally we are feeling so much more [...]

8 05, 2006


By |May 8th, 2006|autism|5 Comments

>an apt title indeed... cried alot today we had our appeal hearing against the exclusion today. I had written a very articulate report but we did not present well verbally due to feeling so emotional. in retrospect I should have paid for a lawyer... They began by attacking our son so visciously that I was [...]

7 05, 2006


By |May 7th, 2006|autism|3 Comments

>it's been a while... decisions have been made... we will home educate Laurie till the end of June (Scottish end of term). I've just written the letter to the education service stating all the reasons that we feel the mainstream system just doesn't offer an appropriate route at the moment. enjoyed writing that one as [...]

19 03, 2006


By |March 19th, 2006|autism|0 Comments

>Well a few days later and we're surviving the aftermath of the exclusion. We got the report of the incident and it was a very poorly written document full of subjective comments and emotive language. I have prepared a 4 page reply which is very measured, contains quotations from government documents and the National Autistic [...]

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