Avada includes a blog shortcode you can use anywhere on the site!
dear family…
> I've been meaning to write this one for so long that I almost can't write it anymore. I lie awake at night going over and over what I want to say. I think my [...]
do educational institutions have a future?
>This is a post about one of the sessions in the JISC Innovating Learning 2009 Online Conference. We wanted to have a session which stimulated discussion around some of the technological, social and organisational issues [...]
Innovating e-Learning 2009
>Innovating e-Learning 2009 - Thriving, not just surviving Innovating e-Learning 2009, the fourth JISC online conference, takes place on 24-27 November 2009. Now a major event in the calendar of conferences on learning, teaching and [...]
word press madness
>I've been having a go with wordpress as an alternative blogging mechanism and have transferred the wedding photography blog to one which uses a photo blogging template. http://weddingphotography-glasgow.com/blog/ I'm also working on some other sites [...]
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