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alternative movie history
Double Indemnity assignment on ds106 - we have MacGuffin fever here as the whole family are once again firing ideas around and searching for stills. For non ds106 readers you have to alter one line [...]
theraputic obsession
It's been a challenging few weeks for us as a family thinking about the future and what it may bring, in many ways, so I have found refuge in working with my photos (always theraputic [...]
Futures away
Michael Branson Smith has done a lovely opeing post for ds106 called High School is Everyone's Forever Ago and Cheryl Colan has done her own with a brilliant big hair photo. Their high school days [...]
less is more
This is a follow-on post to the one I did for DS106 on averaging of photos which was for visual assignment 13. That post included a tutorial on how to use picassa to average out [...]
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