the big picture…

June 29th, 2011|0 Comments

I have been involved with the two year JISC Transforming Curriculum Delivery Through Technology programme as the synthesis consultant and have blogged about this. I have been less involved in the four year sister programme [...]

  • window

dream by day

June 27th, 2011|7 Comments

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night. Edgar Allan Poe done for the daily shoot - monochrome shot taken with a lensbaby which creates [...]

  • exist collage

dr oblivion exists

June 26th, 2011|2 Comments

Dr Oblivion has either gone into hiding or may have been abducted but we must  keep his virtual profile alive or he may fade into nothing. We can't let that happen. Dr Oblivion Exits... I [...]



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