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End of History
My partner Tim Gray has a new photographic exhibition opening today (15th October 2012) at the Glasgow Mackintosh Church as part of the First Creative Mackintosh Festival. The Exhibition shows some of the photographs from [...]
jiscel12 open session
We are now working on the seventh JISC online Innovating eLearning conference entitled Shaping the Future which takes place from 13th – 23rd November 2012. We have the usual array of excellent keynote speakers which we hope [...]
Myscience tender
I have recently been working with Myscience - the UK’s leading organisation for supporting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education professionals. They have just released an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for a study to [...]
asperger syndrome – myths and reality
I don't often just feature someone else's video in my blog but I watched this today and feel it really deserves wide dissemination and appreciation. It is made by KonstantinosPapathanasiou and was self funded. It [...]
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