Futures away
Michael Branson Smith has done a lovely opeing post for ds106 called High School is Everyone's Forever Ago and Cheryl Colan has done her own with a brilliant big hair photo. Their high school days [...]
less is more
This is a follow-on post to the one I did for DS106 on averaging of photos which was for visual assignment 13. That post included a tutorial on how to use picassa to average out [...]
benefits of sharing
This is not new but I realise I haven't shared it on my blog. It is a summary prezi about the benefits of sharing learning resources but could be equally be called the benefits of [...]
good enough to eat
I have created some moo cards which will be handed out at the ALT-C 2011 Conference. They use a colour palate which reminds me of cake... There are eight cards and they each have a [...]
digital literacy
I have written before about the term Digital literacies and how I feel about it. That is not what this post is about. Terminology aside I am really pleased to see JISC funding a new [...]
strictly saturday
here is my trailer mashup assignment - saturday night fever to the audio on strictly ballroom I used mpeg streamclip to save the files and then used adobe premiere (part of my cs3 package). [...]
with a purpose
I am currently deciding what to do for the video assignment for ds106. So many things to try. I'm undecided as yet but wanted to share some old videos (made in 2007). These have been [...]
Bravest buchaneer
So another 3am late night finishing the 15 minute radio show which took days to do, days!!! The final version was no where near good enough - with several dodgy segment links and some volume [...]
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