moving on…
>I can't believe I haven't written since feb! Alot has gone on since then. We moved from Glasgow to Dumfries and Galloway. Found a run down old house with a fab ironmongers shop incorporated. We [...]
scapegoats and scaremongers
>I've been away for a while - trying to focus only on what I have to. Lots happening and will do a catch up post soon... However I am moved to write today following the [...]
dear family…
> I've been meaning to write this one for so long that I almost can't write it anymore. I lie awake at night going over and over what I want to say. I think my [...]
do educational institutions have a future?
>This is a post about one of the sessions in the JISC Innovating Learning 2009 Online Conference. We wanted to have a session which stimulated discussion around some of the technological, social and organisational issues [...]
Innovating e-Learning 2009
>Innovating e-Learning 2009 - Thriving, not just surviving Innovating e-Learning 2009, the fourth JISC online conference, takes place on 24-27 November 2009. Now a major event in the calendar of conferences on learning, teaching and [...]
word press madness
>I've been having a go with wordpress as an alternative blogging mechanism and have transferred the wedding photography blog to one which uses a photo blogging template. I'm also working on some other sites [...]
playing with prezi
>I've been waiting for an opportunity to have a go at using prezi - the zooming presentation software. As far back as 2003 I was experimenting with using concept mapping software to do presentations... but [...]
Engaging Learning with Social Software
>I have been working for Oxford Brookes University on their online course Engaging Learning with Social Software. I have been a co-tutor with Patsy Clarke and the course is coming to an end. I want [...]
postcard from poland
> Twice a year we usually have to deal with our son getting very upset and having a week or so of sadness, crying and inability to sleep. This is because on his birthday and [...]
standing on the shoulders of giants…
> This image is called 'Standing on the shoulders of Giants'. It is my son on the Giants Causeway in Northern Ireland but it is accompanying this blog post because of the title and in [...]
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