19 10, 2012

jiscel12 digilit

By |October 19th, 2012|digital literacy|0 Comments

Students as digital partners and pioneers I wrote last week about a session at the JISC innovating eLearning online conference 2012 on open practices. This will be the seventh JISC online Innovating eLearning conference entitled Shaping the Future which takes place from 13th – 23rd November 2012. Another great session we have planned is looking at the [...]

11 10, 2012

jiscel12 open session

By |October 11th, 2012|learning, open education|0 Comments

We are now working on the seventh JISC online Innovating eLearning conference entitled Shaping the Future which takes place from 13th – 23rd November 2012. We have the usual array of excellent keynote speakers which we hope will challenge and stimulate our delegates. (with keynotes by Sue Black, James Clay and Ian Gilbert) One of the sessions [...]

20 08, 2012

Myscience tender

By |August 20th, 2012|learning, technologies|0 Comments

I have recently been working with Myscience - the UK’s leading organisation for supporting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education professionals. They have just released an Invitation to Tender (ITT) for a study to review and develop a revised Online Strategy for Myscience education.  The work will be for three months between mid October [...]

21 05, 2012


By |May 21st, 2012|learning, technologies|0 Comments

I have recently completed a series of articles for the  JISC CETIS other voices blog which offered a reflective account of three areas of work - Learning Environments, Exchanging Course Information (XCRI) and Open Educational Resources (OER). Developments in each area have been significant for the UK Higher and Further education sector and after speaking [...]

21 11, 2011

telling stories

By |November 21st, 2011|digital literacy, ds106, learning|1 Comment

This video was made as an alternative to powerpoint slides to support a conversation between myself and Frances Bell at the JISC Innovating e-Learning Conference. We held a session in Elluminate on Friday 18th November and had a great conversation with the audience. I have made a text version of the audio 0 available as [...]

7 10, 2011

On being subsumed…

By |October 7th, 2011|digital literacy, learning, open education|0 Comments

Yesterday during Allison Littlejohn’s talk for change11, I mentioned something I have been thinking about as a result of conversations with Allison about collective learning, openness and literacy. I’d like to outline the thinking behind my question in this blogpost. Background Allison talks in her learning ecosystems post about the relationship between OERs,  literacies and [...]

6 10, 2011

Collective knowledge to Collective Action

By |October 6th, 2011|digital literacy, learning, open education|4 Comments

From OERs to Open Practice In a recent post about my OER work I talk about a move from focussing on open educational resources to open practice. This situates OERs within open practice - as one aspect of  it. So for me OERs are resources used to support learning in either a formal or informal [...]

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