betty has style…
and so does my new blog. I’ve just amalgamated one of my websites (the one I use for my consultancy work at this address) and my blog which used to be called being and nothingness. I have a soft spot for that blog as it has taken me through a significant phase of my (and my family’s) life. I’ve been blogging since 2006 when I also discovered flickr and I wanted to bring together my photography with my words.
During that period my son was diagnosed with aspergers syndrome (on the autistic spectrum), both myself and my partner Tim have given up our salaried posts, we have left glasgow and moved to dumfries and galloway. We took our son out of mainstream school, after a fairly horrendous time and we now do home learning, have an ironmongers shop and keep chickens and are renovating an old house…
This journey has all happened on the blog and so I am really pleased that I have been able to transfer it across here…
It has been a very emotional journey re-reading some of the old posts and seeing how far we have come.
Why do I love this wordpress theme? the other day I came across elegant themes…
I found this one (called The Style) and immediately loved the way I could use categories in a very visual way – so if people are interested in home learning they can see all the posts relevant to that and so on…
I really like it so far. Hope you do to.It has taken a few days to get ready.
I must say the elegant themes package offers amazing value and I plan to update some of my other blogs and websites (particularly the photography ones)..
sound like an advert; )
This new blog looks absolutely stunning, Lou! Glad you are keeping the writing up, I’ve always loved your posts.
thanks David – you were very quick off the mark!