First try at an animated gif with the fabulous Gloria Swanson with leopardskin bandana as Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard (one of my favourite movies). For the summer of oblivion – digital storytelling course….
These animated gifs can be very hypnotic…
I can dig this one, and I love the cigarettes smoking in an animated GIF. I am gonna have to work on that now. How did you do this one?
yes I think the smoke makes it interesting. I followed your instructions but even easier with MPEG streamclip beta importing straight from youtube which was handy.
edited the individual images in lightroom and then took them into photoshop to turn into a gif and made sure it loops so it looks like she keeps taking a drag…
I was thinking of adding red lippy but will try that in a later one – seem to have the bug now….
This is very cool Lou.
I started working on my animated GIF last night and wound up with four. Have yet to post to the blog, but will do later today.
This can be a hypnotic and addictive process.
thanks otto
absolutely agree re the addictive nature of this. Have been working on some others too.
Oh this is really lovely. Now I wish I’d done my GIF using one of Maya Deren’s experimental films rather than using The Princess Bride..
Hi Cheryl thanks – I found yours really amusing. I think as Otto says it can be very addictive – I keep thinking of all the other ones I want to do now….