10 11, 2009

dear family…

By |November 10th, 2009|autism|6 Comments

> I've been meaning to write this one for so long that I almost can't write it anymore. I lie awake at night going over and over what I want to say. I think my recent reading of the new book 'Children and teenagers with aspergers:the journey of parenting from birth to teens' has really [...]

15 01, 2009

home learning

By |January 15th, 2009|home education|4 Comments

> we are now really immersed in the home learning and are trying a new routine where each day we do one hour of intense one to one work followed by one hour of self-directed learning. The rest of the time tends to be flexible and of course home learning happens all the time wherever [...]

1 06, 2007


By |June 1st, 2007|autism|0 Comments

>Well only 7 months since my last post... I think the build up to the big Make School Make Sense Campaign by the NAS, and the commitment and energy it required, coupled with 8 months of exhausting emotional strain just took effect. We needed a break... and we've had one And we're back! How easy [...]

31 10, 2006

drama queenings

By |October 31st, 2006|autism|4 Comments

>yaaay it's make school make sense launch day in Scotland. there has been loads of press interest and it tied in with an HMI report also launched today about the shoddy state of affairs in Scotland. we arrived at school this morning - just in time cause I got lost trying to avoid the traffic [...]

30 10, 2006


By |October 30th, 2006|autism|5 Comments

>wow - what a day in addition to normal work and the online tutoring course today was a mass of phone calls to sort out media stuff for the National Autistic Society 'Make Schools Make sense Campaign' Tomorrow is the big launch in Scotland. I was supposed to go to Holyrood (Scottish Parliament) but can't [...]

27 10, 2006


By |October 27th, 2006|autism|1 Comment

>well they say you shouldn't tempt fate - the bloody magic stick (sorry staff) has broken in two. the amber eyes stayed stuck in but it happened on the morning he was going back to school after the holidays!!!! 5 minutes before leaving he was swishing it around (tchew tchew) when hector the wonderdog ran [...]

21 09, 2006


By |September 21st, 2006|parenting|6 Comments

>I have a very happy boy - and that does make a change. he loves his new school!!!!! there have been a few blips and a few phonecalls with the new headmistress - which was expected. they are dealing with it very well so far. despite this he loves it. he is enjoying learning again [...]

10 09, 2006


By |September 10th, 2006|autism|2 Comments

>such stunning news... Laurie had a full week at school and he is still enjoying it... he described it as 'a lovely school' he said it was a million times better than the last one... we spent the whole week waiting for the bad day... it didn't happen...yet WOW this feels so strange... the National [...]

30 08, 2006


By |August 30th, 2006|autism|3 Comments

>well if you'd asked me to put £20 down on the chance that today would go well - I wouldn't have gone for it on any odds (not that I understand the difference between 5-1 or 20-1) 1) I felt guilty at not being there (and had a wobbly start to the day) 2) I [...]

29 08, 2006

wild imaginings

By |August 29th, 2006|autism|2 Comments

>wow - the visit to the new school went really well. Laurie was really positive and the environment felt very gentle (despite being in one of the most deprived areas of Glasgow). The staff were fantastic and we had a really useful conversation about a plan for integrating him into the school. The school only [...]

27 08, 2006

new beginings

By |August 27th, 2006|autism|3 Comments

>tomorrow we go to a new school.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he is very positive about it. if there is a goddess then now is the time to do your stuff lady... we are... apprehensive hopeful scared shitless fingers crossed folks. I wish we could take the new magic dragon staff...

15 08, 2006


By |August 15th, 2006|autism|0 Comments

>I'm a bad blogger - just been incapacitated by huge overwhelming stuff... Work has been a bit extreme as I just took on new stuff and I do have to try to be wonder woman. In the middle of a two week break where I'm trying really hard to get things in perspective. Still wake [...]

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