I’ve just remembered a photo story I did years ago so I thought it would be worth revisiting for the ds106 digital storytelling course. I am also hoping to produce some more as I get inspired by the course….
The set is called to have and have not…

She remembered the first caress as he ran his hand over her shapely seat. She re-lived the anticipation as he perched above her. She sighed as she remembered that first time she felt his full weight against her…

It took him a while to understand her complexities – that some days all was smooth and she operated like a well oiled machine. He learned to compensate for the days when the gears just jammed and he tried to be patient when the wheels locked…

She knew he sometimes focused on the superficial – on the designer labels and the shiny gloss. He felt safe with that side of her…

But when the truth of her really shone through he saw a broken toy that he wanted to fix… Don’t fix me she said. This is who I am…

And despite her beauty and her inner glow he left her for a better, newer, shinier model. But she didn’t mind. She went off to sea to live a life of adventure…
Years later she reflected on the price she had paid for freedom and wisdom and truth – worth every penny!
Your photos are beautiful. And I enjoyed your imagination in the words even more.
thanks Cheryl
This is beautiful. I love these photos and story.
thanks Stella