Digital transformation toolkit
Earlier in the year I worked with Jisc to produce the Framework for digital transformation in higher education. This involved collaborating with a range of professional bodies to ensure that the framework reflected different perspectives and viewpoints. The framework provides a structure to help UK higher education (HE) [...]
Company update
I am very pleased to welcome Tim Gray as a new director at Lou McGill Consultancy Ltd. Tim has worked with me on several projects over the last 12 years and adds some really valuable experience, knowledge and skills to the company. He is an experienced [...]
Death of a common man
When I was young my dad would occasionally stop to point to a roof and proudly say "That's one of mine!" He was a roofer and tiler and I echoed his pride when I told people at school what work he did. But as time [...]
Framework for digital transformation
I have been working for Jisc over the last few months to produce a new framework for digital transformation in higher education. This was a big piece of work which involved working collaboratively with a review group made up of representatives from a range of [...]
Developing digital leaders
In today's rapidly changing digital landscape, effective leadership in educational organisations requires a range of skills and competencies. Digital leadership is needed to guide and manage an organization's digital transformation, leveraging technology to achieve strategic objectives and drive innovation. I have recently been working as a [...]
Online learning – doing it quickly due to COVID 19
Due to several people having to rush towards online learning and teaching I thought it may be useful to do a post drawing together some of the work I've done in the past that is freely available and might be helpful. Doing it thoughtfully Online learning [...]
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