18 11, 2010

two sides to every story – a dilemna

By |November 18th, 2010|autism, learning|10 Comments

I have a dilemna due to using a Creative Commons (CC) licence on one of my photographs on flickr. The photo is part of a project that I did in 2006 for the flickr UTATA group which aimed to tells the positives and negatives of having aspergers syndrome to increase awareness of the realities and [...]

11 05, 2006


By |May 11th, 2006|autism|4 Comments

>some of you who read this blog are so amazing I'm stunned. I never even expected people to read it but to actually respond and offer huge support and really really sound advice is way more than I expected. yes we had a bad day on monday but generally we are feeling so much more [...]

8 05, 2006


By |May 8th, 2006|autism|5 Comments

>an apt title indeed... cried alot today we had our appeal hearing against the exclusion today. I had written a very articulate report but we did not present well verbally due to feeling so emotional. in retrospect I should have paid for a lawyer... They began by attacking our son so visciously that I was [...]

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