10 10, 2013

Digitisation for OER synthesis

By |October 10th, 2013|learning, open education|0 Comments

An interesting piece of work that I have just completed is a synthesis of findings from a recent JISC funded strand of work  - Digitisation for Open Educational Resources. This strand built on previous Jisc eContent Programme activities around digitisation within the UK Higher Education community. The nine funded projects were led by Higher Education [...]

4 03, 2013

OER terminology

By |March 4th, 2013|learning, open education|7 Comments

I've been working in the area of learning resources for a very long time with a recent focus on open education resources (OER).  For the last three years I've been one of the UKOER Synthesis and Evaluation Team (led by Glasgow Caledonian University with Professor Allison Littlejohn, Dr Isobel Falconer and Helen Beetham (also an [...]

11 10, 2012

jiscel12 open session

By |October 11th, 2012|learning, open education|0 Comments

We are now working on the seventh JISC online Innovating eLearning conference entitled Shaping the Future which takes place from 13th – 23rd November 2012. We have the usual array of excellent keynote speakers which we hope will challenge and stimulate our delegates. (with keynotes by Sue Black, James Clay and Ian Gilbert) One of the sessions [...]

21 05, 2012


By |May 21st, 2012|learning, technologies|0 Comments

I have recently completed a series of articles for the  JISC CETIS other voices blog which offered a reflective account of three areas of work - Learning Environments, Exchanging Course Information (XCRI) and Open Educational Resources (OER). Developments in each area have been significant for the UK Higher and Further education sector and after speaking [...]

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