7 10, 2011

On being subsumed…

By |October 7th, 2011|digital literacy, learning, open education|0 Comments

Yesterday during Allison Littlejohn’s talk for change11, I mentioned something I have been thinking about as a result of conversations with Allison about collective learning, openness and literacy. I’d like to outline the thinking behind my question in this blogpost. Background Allison talks in her learning ecosystems post about the relationship between OERs,  literacies and [...]

6 10, 2011

Collective knowledge to Collective Action

By |October 6th, 2011|digital literacy, learning, open education|4 Comments

From OERs to Open Practice In a recent post about my OER work I talk about a move from focussing on open educational resources to open practice. This situates OERs within open practice - as one aspect of  it. So for me OERs are resources used to support learning in either a formal or informal [...]

2 02, 2009


By |February 2nd, 2009|learning, open education|0 Comments

> "The road to hell is paved with good intentions...." Samuel Johnson This quotation was used to open the report Good intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing learning materials submitted to JISC in late December 2008 by myelf, Sarah Currier, Charles Duncan and Peter Douglas. The report offers an historical view of [...]

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