26 03, 2013


By |March 26th, 2013|home life, learning, open education|1 Comment

I had some plans for the Activity 3 in the #h817open course - to produce a visual representation that defines openness in education... Grand plans waylaid by something that I couldn't control... On Friday 22nd March we awoke to blizzards, deeply drifted snow and a power cut. In our small rural town in Southwest Scotland [...]

2 02, 2009


By |February 2nd, 2009|learning, open education|0 Comments

> "The road to hell is paved with good intentions...." Samuel Johnson This quotation was used to open the report Good intentions: improving the evidence base in support of sharing learning materials submitted to JISC in late December 2008 by myelf, Sarah Currier, Charles Duncan and Peter Douglas. The report offers an historical view of [...]

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