3 09, 2019

Accessibility and inclusion

By |September 3rd, 2019|digital literacy, technologies|0 Comments

I have been working as a consultant with the Jisc digital capabilities team for the last couple of years as they developed the digital capabilities service. One if the elements of the service is the discovery tool which I have written about before. The discovery tool offers a series of question sets for staff and [...]

5 02, 2011

having a voice…

By |February 5th, 2011|home education|8 Comments

I recently contributed a post for purpos/ed (which is about opening a debateĀ  around education) with my partner and son which I hope offered a voice for people outside the formal education system. I think we questioned that system and presented one view from the home education/home learning perspective and also from the perspetive of [...]

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